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Gorseybrigg Primary School and Nursery

Year 5

 Year 5 Class Page 

 Mr Tyler

Welcome to the Year 5 class page. We are going to be learning about all sorts of amazing things throughout the year and hope to really bring our learning to life through some exciting topics and projects.

If you have any questions please email me:

 Term 1 Curriculum

For information on all we will be learning in the Autumn Term, please read our Curriculum Matters document.

Year 5 Curriculum Matters - Autumn

Term 2 Curriculum

 For information on all we will be learning in the SpringTerm, please read our Curriculum Matters document.

Year 5 Curriculum Matters - Spring

 Term 3 Curriculum

 For information on all we will be learning in the Summer Term, please read our Curriculum Matters document.

Year 5 Curriculum Matters - Summer 



In Year 5 we will be completing a range of homework activities, most will be set on a regular basis, some might be occasional and linked to our termly topic.

Reading-You need to read for a minimum of x3 a week at home. Each time you read, please enter the details into your reading diary and ask an adult at home to sign the entry for you. Reading diaries are due in for checking every Thursday.

Spellings- Every Thursday you will be given a set of spellings to practise throughout the week at home. We will also complete activities during the week at school on the spelling rule sent home. Every Thursday you will have a spelling test during English to test you on the spellings you've been working on. You don't need to hand in your practise sheet but please be prepared for your test!

Maths - Maths homework will be issued on a Thursday and is due in the following Thursday. You will be set a piece of work in your Maths Homework Book based on the current topic(s) we are learning in class. I would also like you to practise your times tables at home on a regular basis. I've attached some links you might like to use to help with this.