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Gorseybrigg Primary School and Nursery


Click here for the Individual Letter Formation Powerpoint 


  Welcome to Year 3 and our Class Page.

On here you will find a brief outline of what we will be learning about this term. You will also find a link to our 'Curriculum Matters' document below.

Please keep checking for any updates during the term.


SPRING TERM QUESTION - What Makes a Society?


Have you ever thought about the following questions:

What makes a successful community ?

What values should we have in a community ?

Can we change our community ?

What is the difference between a community and  society ?

What was Ancient Egyptian society like ?

Why did Ancient Egyptians have slaves ?

What was Ancient Greek society like ?

Click on the picture above for some answers to these questions. 

Ancient Egypt 

  Did you know that the Ancient Egyptians built many pyramids that are still found today ?

In History we will learn about what it was like to live in Ancient Egypt and compare this to how the Ancient Greeks lived. 

We will look at 

The structure of society

Evidence of Egyptian writing

Pyramids and burial customs

Food the  Ancient Egyptians ate

Click on the picture above for more information.


Here are some great websites that will help with our topics.

SPELLING    -    Here is the login page for our school's Spell Shed. 

Once logged into Spell Shed, you can find your child's assigned spellings for the week.


Also at the top of our class page you can find a link to a presentation which can help with letter formation and handwriting. 

(Please also see the Curriculum Matters Document for more details about our class texts and more detail about each subject covered this term).


Click HERE for Autumn Term's Curriculum Matters

Recommended Reads 


Also can I remind you that as a school we ask that you read with your child 3x per week and record this in your child’s reading record book.

Thank you for all that you do at home.

Mrs B :)