Spring Term - What does it mean to be brave?
For information on all we will be learning in the Spring Term, please read our Curriculum Matters document.
Help at Home
PHONICS: For more information on Little Wandle and guided videos on how to support your child with phonics at home CLICK HERE
MATHS: To find free White Rose workbooks which you can complete at home that follow our class learning CLICK HERE.
Other documents that parents may find useful:
Other Information
PE - our days for PE are Mondays and Wednesdays. Please could all children come dressed in their PE kit on these days.
Reading - Please read at home at least 3x per week and fill in your child's reading diary. These will be checked on a Friday.
Homework - children in Y2 will get weekly homework which will be handed out and collected every Friday. Spellings and phonics (for some) will also be part of your child's homework and these will also be collected and handed out on a Friday.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. My email is cdavies@gorseybrigg.derbyshire.sch.uk