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Gorseybrigg Primary School and Nursery


Welcome to Gorseybrigg Primary School and Nursery.

We hope that you find our website interesting, informative and easy to navigate.

Our team works hard to make sure that our children enjoy a vibrant and challenging curriculum which enables them all to make progress. We do this through a thematic approach to learning and a desire to give every pupil a range of exciting experiences, both in and out of the classroom, including an offer of residentials for many of our children. We value talent at all levels and in all subjects to make every child feel special. We have an ethos that recognises that we all have a collective responsibility to make every child's time at Gorseybrigg a positive and successful one. 


Over the past five years (despite the restrictions and difficulties of lockdown!) we have worked incredibly hard to improve all aspects of our curriculum. This has included the introduction of a far more progressive and cohesive offer across all subjects, using high quality texts and resources and utilising a big question every term as a way of linking the learning together in each class. Our highly qualified staff team really do work collaboratively to make sure that our pupils have a smooth and connected journey through school. We also believe that outdoor learning at all ages is crucial, and offer Forest Schools and a range of outdoor experiences throughout the year and in all weathers! Our Gardening Club started last year, runs in school time and has already helped develop and improve the spaces around school. We have a wonderful new library, stocked with books, which is now open again before and after school for families to come and choose books with their children. Wellbeing is also high on our agenda; we practice mindfulness in our classes and have a strong pastoral team who assist children needing emotional support. Our pupils really do have their voices heard and both our Eco and School Councils are very active and involved in the changes and improvements that are made (including an Eco Garden and Serenity Square, a quiet area for sitting and reading, which was recently opened by the Rotary Club) Whilst high academic standards are of course important, they are only a part of the all-round education we wish to offer. We firmly believe that this approach gives our children an opportunity to shine and truly be the very best that they can be.

Please contact us if you would like any further details, or are interested in your child coming to our school or nursery. We look forward to meeting you.

Corinne Thornton | Headteacher