At Gorseybrigg Primary School PSHE is an integral part of everything that we do in order to ensure our children understand themselves physically, emotionally and socially.
By providing an environment supportive to emotional health and well-being we aim to support our pupils to be motivated and equipped to:
- Be effective and successful learners
- Make and sustain friendships
- Deal with and resolve conflict effectively and fairly
- Solve problems with others or by themselves
- Manage strong feelings such as frustration, anger and anxiety
- Be able to promote calm and optimistic states that promote the achievement of goals;
- Recover from setbacks and persist in the face of difficulties
- Work and play cooperatively
- Compete fairly and win and lose with dignity and respect for competitors
- Recognise and stand up for their rights and the rights of others
- Understand and value the differences and commonalities between people, respecting the right of others to have beliefs and values different from their own
The PSHE curriculum is covered through a planned programme of learning and delivered through discussions, debates, circle time, stories that raise issues, role play and assemblies. To support our teaching of PSHE we use the PSHE Matters Scheme, which incorporates and is supported by our school values which we also explore in greater depth in our pupils' weekly themed assemblies and circle time.
Relationships and Sex Education
As part of the PSHE curriculum our children take part in a progressive curriculum of Relationships and Sex Education. We have carefully considered this curriculum and have consulted parents and staff to ensure that all points of view have been considered. From September 2020, it will be compulsory for all primary schools to teach Health Education. As a result of this change we have reviewed our PSHE and RSE policies to specifically meet the needs of our children.
Supporting Documents
Relationship and Sex Education Policy 2020
Government Response to RSE Consultation
RSE Primary School Guide for parents
We are
In Foundation stage our children:-
Develop a positive sense of themselves, and others; to form positive relationships and develop respect for others; to develop social skills and learn how to manage their feelings; to understand appropriate behaviour in groups; and to have confidence in their own abilities
In Key Stage 1 & 2 our children:-
Have both explicit and implicit learning opportunities and experiences which reflect pupils’ increasing independence and physical and social awareness as they move through the primary phase.
It builds on the skills that pupils started to acquire during the Early Years Foundation stage (EYFS) to develop effective relationships, assume greater personal responsibility and manage personal safety, including online. PSHE education helps pupils to cope with the changes at puberty, introduces them to a wider world and enables them to make an active contribution to their communities.