Healthy Minds and Bodies
These priorities are vital to the development of the whole child, and post lockdown are still a focus for our staff:
- Embed the new DCC PSHE Curriculum, ensuring that links are made to other aspects of EHWB across school.
- Continue to develop a pastoral team capable of supporting pupils and families, enabling all staff to quickly identify where need is greatest.
- Develop an appropriate assessment system for measuring pupil EHWB, trialling this during the academic year and making any improvements needed. We already have an emotional check in for all pupils on arrival to school.
- Continue to improve the offer during social times, taking account of all pupils’ needs and preferences.
- Continue to embed the principles of Growth Mindset throughout school.
- Continue to embed the benefits of mindfulness and yoga as tools to improve mental health and fitness.
- Staff work with all pupils to ensure that they can achieve their best by having a deep knowledge of all each child and supporting them in preparing for learning and life.
- Maintain and update rewards systems to ensure that pupils remain engaged and motivated.
- Ensure that pupils know how to keep themselves safe, and that families are able to support them more widely at home.
- Create a wider range of opportunities for pupils to expand their cultural awareness and experience beyond that of their local community as we come out of lockdown.
- Work with North East Derbyshire SHAPE partnership to ensure that all pupils have access to opportunities to exercise and be part of a team, including pupils who are more resistant.
Our Mission Statement on EHWB is available here.
Please click here for a link to the Derbyshire 'Live Life Better' website.