The PTFA Committee and Representatives are a small group of parents who, with the support of the school, family and friends, plan and run various fundraising activities throughout the school year.Our mission statement is to positively impact the lives of all children and families.
Our PTFA Committee:
Chair: Paula Neil
Vice Chair: Sarah Nicholson
Treasurer: Helen Hughes
Secretary: Adele Lisle
PTFA Reps:
In addition to the committee, we have an amazing group of parent representatives from each year group.
Over the last couple of years this has included the trim trail with all-weather flooring, the outdoor quiet area and the outdoor classroom.
We are currently working on fundraisers for the 2023/ 24 year and considering with school, how to spend the money raised. We have a few ideas but would love to hear yours, so please get in touch if you’d like to put forward any suggestions.
Without the PTFA Committee and Representatives, the volunteers who help at events, and the support of all the parents and children at our school, the fun events and activities could not go ahead.
If you can lend a hand either by joining the PTFA, or by giving us an hour of your time, for example, to run a stall at an event, or help put up gazebos then please just let us know. We would love to hear from you 😊
If you are looking for more ways that you, your family and friends can support us, please see below:
- - Donate via our Go Fund Me Page
- - Join the Easyfundraising site, shop away, and a donation is given to school
Tuck Shop - Friday 20th December at 3.15pm
Next Meeting - 15th January at 2pm in school - all welcome
Contact Us
- - In person
- - By e-mail gorseybriggptfa@yahoo.com
- - Via Gorseybrigg PTFA Facebook page