Online Learning
Dear Parents, Carers and Children,
Welcome to our Online Learning Page! The information below is designed to help you keep busy when you can't be in school. :
Guidance on helping children aged 2 to 4 learn at home can be found here:
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Guidance on helping primary school aged children learn at home can be found here:
Guidance on helping children with special educational needs and disabilities learn at home can be found here:
BBC Bitesize -
BBC Bitesize is an education package featuring celebrities and teachers. It is on TV and online and can be accessed here
Oak National Academy -
This is the government website launched on 20th April, which offers your children a range of lessons tailored to every year group. These include maths, english and other foundation subjects (5 of each per week). They include a pre teach quiz, a video, slides and an activity. Please feel free to use these in addition to the work being set from our staff if you find them useful and also adjust them to your child's ability level if this helps.
Mrs Kirkwood's Daily Phonics - Check out Mrs Kirkwood's Youtube channel for some phonics sessions. Click here to view.
Twinkl – (enter the code UKTWINKLHELPS)
This website has separate sections for EYFS, KS1 and KS2, which are then broken down into subject areas. There are plenty of activities for your children to have a go at – the free ones should be fine, so don’t feel the need to pay a subscription, as the company are offering this service during the outbreak.
Times Table Rockstars –
Children are already using this excellent website and should have a login for this. The expectation now is that children should know all their tables by Year 4, so the more practice, the better!
Purple Mash –
The children use this website regularly during their Computing lessons and are very familiar with it. It has a wide range of activities ranging from English and Maths, to History and Computing.
Oxford Owl -
If you join them, you will be able to access free e books and resources. Some books are offered for sale, but again, stick to the free ones!
Classroom Secrets -
This website also has a number of free resources, which are set in particular year groups to help parents select the appropriate level for their child
Top Marks -
As above, this site has some nice interactive games and is set out in year groups.
There are lots of other ways to learn of course, and we look forward to you sharing some of your own ideas and activities with us too. In the meantime, any time that you can give to support your child(ren) would be really useful. Don’t forget reading too – as much as you can! We will also add any other ideas to this page as we discover them!
Audible - you can now stream a range of children's stories for free by clicking here!
Learn First Aid - Act Fast are doing a First Aid 5-day Challenge. You will be able to learn skills such as how to call 999, looking after a casualty, the Safe Airway Position, CPR and much more! Click here to visit the Act Fast website where you can find more information.
Tennis - Tennis Chesterfield coaches have created a library of home learning videos including: educational games, get your body moving, body and ball, bat and ball, challenges and other activities. These are all available for FREE on YouTube, please feel to share with the whole school and beyond!
It also includes a programme for children in Key Stage 2, with daily and weekly guidance provided for both programmes (starting from this week) in addition to an option to choose your own themes and activities.
There are so many benefits to being active, not only to our physical wellbeing but also to our emotional and mental health, especially in such testing times for all of us. We hope that the ideas help support you and your family to stay fit and healthy in the coming months.
Click here to view more information to support you including a user guide and FAQs.
You can view what Real PE at home looks like by clicking here.
Log on details have been emailed to all parents.
Music & Singing
Singing is a great way to boost your mood, lower stress levels and improve your mental alertness! Why not search for a new song or rediscover an old favourite on this home-learning music resource. Let us your teacher know if you find any you particularly like: we could try them out in assembly when we are back together.
Go to Collins Connect and click on the Teacher portal and enter:
Password: Parents20!
and click Login.
Once you’ve logged into Collins Connect, select Music Express from the menu page. To access the Song Bank click the link on the welcome page.
If you have younger children, check out the BBC's Tiny Happy People and the government's Hungry Little Minds Both of these have some great activities and suggestions for children up to the age of 5.
Flutes (Y5 & 6)
Thank you,
The Gorseybrigg Staff