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Gorseybrigg Primary School and Nursery

Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium is funding provided to schools which is additional to main school funding.

It is allocated according to the number of pupils on-roll who are eligible for free school meals (FSM), a smaller amount allocated according to the number of children of service families, and an allocation for each pupil who has been ‘Looked After’(in care) for 6 months or more.

In 2012, funding was extended to include pupils who have been eligible for free school meals within the past 6 years.

It is for schools to decide how the Pupil Premium is spent, since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for the individual pupils within their responsibility. However, schools are held accountable for how they have used the additional funding to support their pupils. Please see below for information regarding the plans for future spending in 2021-22 and how the pupil premium was spent in the last financial year.

Gorseybrigg Primary School and Nursery
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 23-25

This statement details our school’s use of pupil premium (and recovery premium) funding to help improve the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils.

It outlines our future pupil premium strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the effect that last year’s spending of pupil premium had within our school.

School overview



School name

Gorseybrigg Primary School and Nursery

Number of pupils in school

215, plus 30 Nursery (as at 07.02.2024)

Proportion (%) of pupil premium eligible pupils


Academic year/years that our current pupil premium strategy plan covers (3 year plans are recommended)

2023 - 2025

Date this statement was published

7th March 2024 

Date on which it will be reviewed


Statement authorised by

Corinne Thornton – Headteacher

Pupil premium lead

Rachel MacLeod – Curriculum Lead/SLT

Governor / Trustee lead

Wendy Temple – Chair of Governors

Funding overview



Pupil premium funding allocation this academic year


Recovery premium funding allocation this academic year


Pupil premium funding carried forward from previous years (enter £0 if not applicable)


Total budget for this academic year

If your school is an academy in a trust that pools this funding, state the amount available to your school this academic year


Part A: Pupil premium strategy plan

Statement of intent

Our School Vision is  “To give all our children the widest range of experiences and the highest quality resources in order that they can reach and expand their potential, and to prepare them to become productive, responsible, ethical, creative and compassionate members of society.”

This vision is at the heart of all we do, and our intention is to ensure that this statement applies to every child, irrespective of their background or the challenges they face. All our staff consider the needs of every pupil and where needed, create a bespoke response that enables them to access all aspects of the curriculum, be this the direct learning, or the wider experiences we offer.

We keep additional records for each of our vulnerable children, to ensure that their needs are considered and their progress is tracked. We utilise high quality teaching as the main driver behind all of this, matching pupil need to staff skills and continuing to train and upskill our teachers and TAs wherever needed. We believe that responsive pre and post teaching is at the heart of this, ensuring that pupils do not fall behind and that stringent gap analysis is used to maintain a daily response where needed. In addition, we ensure that no time is wasted and that pupils with gaps in their learning are engaged in relevant intervention programmes to enable them to revisit lost learning. Regular pupil progress meetings are held and all vulnerable learners and their next steps are discussed within these. We use a range of assessment tools, both formative and summative to enable us to do this, so that our response is swift and effective. Staff take full responsibility for the pupils in their care and we also work closely as a team to share expertise where needed for the benefit of all.

Our PP budget is therefore focused on the best staffing we can offer, at all levels. Our pastoral team is also highly effective in supporting pupils and families needing support. In addition, we ensure that all vulnerable children can access high quality resources to enable them to engage fully with our curriculum. This includes bespoke individual resources and support to enable them to engage with all that school offers (including covering trips and residentials when needed). We have also invested in IT resources, giving pupils better access to a range of programmes, research opportunities and the ability to better connect with the wider world. We aim to engage all our pupils in regular outdoor and active learning, as we have already seen the huge positive impact this can have on mental health.


This details the key challenges to achievement that we have identified among our disadvantaged pupils.

Challenge number

Detail of challenge


The widening of the progress gap in the core subjects between some disadvantaged pupils and their peers. We want to further increase the proportion of PP pupils who achieve ARE+


 A need to continue to improve our reading books linked to phonics phases and for children who are not reading at the expected level in KS2, in order to give these pupils the best resources to extend and consolidate their learning.


The desire to continue training more of our support staff in the delivery of specialist intervention programmes to enable them to better support our disadvantaged pupils.


To narrow the gap in known vocabulary for disadvantaged pupils across all areas of the curriculum.


To ensure that pupils can take part in all extra-curricular activities and involve themselves fully in the life of the school, whatever their financial position.


To further improve the use of in school IT resources to maximise progress for disadvantaged pupils, both within and beyond the classroom.


To utilise our outdoor spaces even more effectively to give our disadvantaged pupils the widest experience of learning, as well as opportunities to improve their self-esteem and confidence


To develop a more effective careers programme at primary level, in order to give disadvantaged and non-disadvantage pupils a deeper understanding of the world of work, together with high aspirations for themselves (linked to their identified skills)


To ensure that the social, emotional health and wellbeing of every vulnerable pupil is considered and that they are offered targeted support whenever this may be needed.

Intended outcomes

This explains the outcomes we are aiming for by the end of our current strategy plan, and how we will measure whether they have been achieved.

Intended outcome

Success criteria

1.    Disadvantaged pupils accelerate progress and achieve as well as their peers, both at local and national level

100% of disadvantaged pupils meet the expected standard for their year group by the end of the summer term. Some of these pupils exceed their outcomes

2.    There will be a wider selection of books for pupils at all levels, which will be appropriate for their age and stage. All classes will have the correct selection of books for all reading levels. Books will be checked and correctly banded by the English team. These will be verified by external agencies

Pupils and parents report high engagement in home/school reading through annual questionnaires. Pupil progress continues to accelerate when measured through teacher assessment and compared to previous years. All disadvantaged pupils are fluent readers when they leave school in Y6.

3.    All additional teachers/TAs will be able to deliver high quality intervention responses to pupil need. These will be identified through stringent gap analysis and will offer support through a pre and post teach methodology. Teachers and their support staff will react quickly to pupil outcomes, ensuring that time is not wasted between lessons. Staff teams within phases and across school will work collaboratively to share best practice and offer training.

Intervention data indicates that pupils can narrow the gaps that have been identified. Pupils make accelerated progress over time and lost learning time is compensated for. Results both in year and at the end of each Key Stage improve, returning to pre Covid levels in the first instance, then accelerating over time.

4.    All staff experience a growing confidence in preparing for vocabulary instruction and can draw on a range of practical strategies to support it. Vocabulary across the curriculum shows clear progression in all subjects and builds coherently on prior knowledge. Training continues to develop these skills and share strategies. Bookflix and Project Read are used to further enhance the vocabulary programme

English monitoring indicates that pupils have a growing confidence in the use of a wider range of subject specific, academic and general vocabulary. This leads to improved writing and reading outcomes, as well as greater engagement with the subject overall. Pupils report this through interviews with coordinators.

5.    All pupils experience the same experience of school and know that there are no barriers to any activities that we offer. This creates a stronger team ethos and sense of community amongst all pupils.

Disadvantaged pupils attend all residentials and any other extra-curricular activities they wish to. Parents are encouraged to ask for any financial help when they need it.

6.    Pupils have access to ipads and laptops within the classroom and are able to access home learning tasks as needed, with support from school where needed

Pupils are more engaged in their learning, are offered a wider range of experiences and can all access home learning. This is demonstrated through the progress made in each subject and the % of children who engage with and complete home learning

7.    Pupils demonstrate more resilience and fewer mental and physical health issues

Pupil voice indicates that disadvantaged pupils have high expectations, a growth mindset and they leave our school having developed skills both within and beyond the classroom. Pastoral records show the improvement in pupil wellbeing

8.    Careers education is introduced into school at all levels. Staff engage with the organisations delivering this, are involved in training and read research. Pupils are given opportunities to consider a range of different ideas for what they might do in the future.

Pupils can articulate their wishes for the future, can see clearer career paths and have a greater understanding of the types of jobs that they may wish to consider. Staff are able to effectively signpost pupils to areas of interest.

9.    Our Family Support Worker, Senior Mental Health Lead and pastoral team work collaboratively with children, families and staff to identify where support is needed. This intervention is swift and effective, leading to a greater engagement with the school and improvements in SEMHWB

Pupils can articulate their issues and know who to go to if they need to discuss any issues. They can therefore have a more positive experience in school and are able to develop the tolls they need to deal with situations both in and out of school. Families are also able to access useful workshops, training and support when they need to.


Activity in this academic year

This details how we intend to spend our pupil premium (and recovery premium funding) this academic year to address the challenges listed above.

Teaching (for example, CPD, recruitment and retention)

Budgeted cost: £10,710


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Ongoing training for all staff in supporting disadvantaged and SEND pupils through a range of training providers

National College Membership was put in place from January 2022 for all staff and governors. This offers training and webinars on a range of areas, including supporting SEND and vulnerable learners. Staff can access courses as appropriate and this aspect is ongoing, ensuring that updates and research based information is kept updated.

SENCO and Pastoral Leads identify additional evidence-based training for staff to access on an ongoing basis. This is recorded in on the staff records within the National College offer. Release time is funded to enable our SEN TAs and Pastoral staff to have 1:1 and small group time with the most vulnerable and disadvantaged pupils. We have also employed a second SENCO in school, who is currently engaging with training (to complete by September 2024)


Training in intervention programmes to enable staff to deliver high quality maths, writing and reading interventions for disadvantaged pupils

We have now trained one teacher and three TAs in the delivery of FirstClass@Number, which has enabled pupils behind in maths to accelerate progress. This is based largely in LKS2.

We have purchased the Beat Dyslexia scheme which is in use 3 x per week in Y4-Y6 with a dedicated TA for pupils with difficulties in reading and spelling.

We have purchased the “No Excuses” spelling programme for KS2 pupils who are behind in spelling. Staff are trained and deliver this three times per week. 1, 3, 6

In Y2 and Y3, a catch-up phonics programme using Little Wandle has been bought and trained staff deliver this daily. All teaching staff and TAs have been trained in the Little Wandle phonics programme to enable a consistent approach across school.

We utilise research and take an evidence-based approach to our teaching, so that we can maximise impact.

1stClass@Number | EEF (


1, 3, 6

Purchase of updated standardised diagnostic assessments for maths and reading


Training for staff to ensure that assessments are interpreted correctly, that they produce high quality gaps analysis and that follow up interventions are swift and effective

We have purchased NFER tests for all age groups and terms, as we have researched these and found them to be more accurate and effective than White Rose. Staff training has taken place in order to ensure that these are optimised for the benefit of the pupils.


The senior team have also devised a gaps analysis system where all staff record the specific areas of learning each child needs. Teachers and TAs are therefore able to react swiftly and offer both pre and post teaching interventions to keep pupils on track. Staff are given time away from the class to study these in greater depth and plan next steps.


1, 2, 3, 4

Purchase of recommended books from the Little Wandle programme, so that teaching can be in line with the phonics delivery

Despite above average scores in the phonics tests, we have an ambition to reach 100% of pupils passing the test every year by the end of Y2 (we achieved 100% in 2022)  and to have all our children fluent in reading by the end of KS2. We have therefore bought into the Little Wandle programme. All teachers and TAs engage in training for this.


Ongoing Pastoral and Mental Health training for key staff

We are training a member of the SLT as a Mental Health Lead. Through this, we will then cascade additional training to staff working in the pastoral team. Staff engage in training relevant to PP pupil need (e.g. Lego Therapy)

7, 9, 1, 3, 4, 5

Ongoing training in Bookflix and Project Read as part of our vocabulary strategy, including the creation of a whole school vocabulary resource for every subject

Classes begin engagement with elements of Bookflix at the appropriate age and stage. We continue to monitor this and make adjustments where needed. Our new ECT has been trained to deliver this programme. Comprehension scores indicate that this is having a positive impact. Our lead on Project Read continues to support each class on their use of the vocabulary pyramids and to check that these are being effectively used. Our Deputy Head/Curriculum Lead works within the English team to ensure that vocabulary is monitored across all subjects. We continue to develop and improve our vocabulary progression documents in all curriculum areas.

1, 4, 6

Targeted academic support (for example, tutoring, one-to-one support structured interventions)

Budgeted cost: £15,800


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Retention of a high-quality TA (teacher level qualification), who can support group work in writing and demonstrate more rapid progress amongst our vulnerable pupils

We have invested in a TA who is also a fully qualified teacher. She will continue to work with us into the 2023/24 academic year, enabling our interventions to be of the highest quality for all vulnerable pupils.

1, 3

Staffing – 1:1, small group responsive to specific need and including pre-teach, responsive class support and follow up interventions.

Previous Catch-up Premium approaches demonstrated that the impact of small group and 1:1 teaching resulted in improved progress, a better attitude to learning and greater confidence. We also ensure that pre and post assessment of every topic identifies pupils needing additional support both to access the learning and to continue with interventions after.

1, 3, 4, 9

Training for FS TA in NELI, to support vocabulary development of FS children as needed

This programme is the Nuffield Early Language Intervention programme. Evidence shows that it improves children’s language and early literacy skills.

1, 4

Training for a TA in speech and language intervention to enable them to offer support to children in their development of vocabulary, reading and communication

There was an identified need for additional SALT support following lockdown, as many pupils had fewer social interactions than previously and some had language delay. We have worked with the Speech and Language Service at DCC to train up a TA to deliver ongoing programmes in between visits from their team.

4, 9

Wider strategies (for example, related to attendance, behaviour, wellbeing)

Budgeted cost: £ 8,690


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Development of an outdoor learning programme across school which ensures that every child has access to this style of learning throughout the year

In October 2022 we trained a further 2 staff in Level 3 Forest Schools. They began delivery across KS2 in February 2023. Our additional member of staff is rolling the programme out into KS1. This will give every child in school a regular session with a qualified teacher. This is costed into our staffing overview. Further improvements have been made to our curriculum offer during 2023-24.


7, 9, 1, 4

Setting up a Gardening Club in school and assigning an experienced and knowledgeable TA to run this during the school day

The TA who runs this club is also one of our pastoral staff. PP pupils are targeted who need additional 1:1 and small group pastoral care.

7, 9, 1 ,4

Purchase of Early Help Practitioner as part of a wider PODS (Partnership of Dronfield Schools) strategy to enable disadvantaged pupils and families to access support when in crisis.

Our FSW has been vital in offering our children and families additional support away from school and during holidays. This work has been done alongside our Pastoral Lead/Senior Mental Health Lead and the rest of the support staff working in this area in school. Attendance for many of these families has improved, as has their engagement both with the school overall. Our FSW deals with referrals into early help and supports in the running of meetings and linking to wider support where needed.


Embedding principles of good practice as set out in the DfE’s recent updated guidance on attendance

Our School Business Manager, Assistant and teaching staff work closely every morning to check that all children are in school, or that there is a valid reason if not. When this is not the case, calls are always made, and senior staff will also make home visits if needed. The school works closely with all other Dronfield schools through our PODS (Partnership of Dronfield Schools) and we have written a joint policy so that our approaches are identical across the local area. We completed an attendance review in December 2022 and have further updated our reward systems, our letters home and sent a new updated leaflet detailing our plans to parents.


1, 9

Rental of additional ipads/suitable apps to support small group work


The recent upgrade to the in class offers of 32 Chromebooks and 16 iPads has enable pupils to utilise equipment in a more fluid and effective way, including for specific class led tasks, interventions, small group work and personal research. This upgrade has also enabled pupils to better prepare for life outside school.

Interactive whiteboards in classrooms have also all been upgraded, with the final 2 classes being purchased and installed in 2023-24.

6, 1, 8

To ensure that a contingency fund is ringfenced enabling all PP pupils to access trips, residentials and wider curriculum activities

We believe that it is vital that all our pupils can access all extra-curricular activities available to them and we support families in this as need arises. This fund also enables us to purchase specific resources for individual children as needed to access their learning


Continuation of a range of additional interventions to support pupil wellbeing, including Positive Play, Lego Therapy, Anger/Anxiety Gremlins

School continues to ensure that staff can deliver a range of appropriate and recommended interventions for pupils needing additional pastoral support. We will also continue to look for other proven schemes that will help our vulnerable pupils access the bespoke support they need.


To engage with an appropriate careers programme that enables pupils to consider and research opportunities for their own futures

Following the Drawing the Future research project, the school has already begun to look at and engage with programmes and projects that will support our children in gaining a better understanding of the world of work and where their skills and interests could take them. We have plans for careers events and senior staff have already engaged in training through Primary Futures, which we aim to continue into the future.

In 2023-24, our PSHE Lead is also organising a STEM event and a careers day, where parents with a range of job roles will come into school and share their experience with the children through assemblies, workshops and events.



To give pupils a wider understanding of the world beyond school


The Headteacher has engaged with the Lifesavers programme and completed full training. This is being delivered into classes across school in the 2023/24 academic year. This is through the Just Finance Foundation.

7, 8


Total budgeted cost: £35,200

Part B: Review of outcomes in the previous academic year

Pupil premium strategy outcomes

This details the impact that our pupil premium activity had on pupils in the 2021 to 2022 academic year.

We had already begun our rental of IT equipment in the last academic year, which enabled pupils to access learning in an out of school, as well as improving our ability to more frequently access useful learning programmes away from our previous IT suite. Staff also continued to access useful online training, and we refined our approaches to interventions as part of our use of both the pupil premium and catch-up funding to ensure that gaps were more tightly targeted and swiftly acted upon. Due to the success of many of these strategies, we are looking to continue these in future years as our vulnerable pupils continue to narrow the gap created not only by their circumstances, but also by the impacts of Covid -19. Through the year, we identified external intervention programmes that had the best impact, and therefore also aim to continue with these. Data indicated that although there had been a definite effect on pupils academically, socially and emotionally, our additional pastoral support which was effectively targeted helped many PP pupils to quickly settle back into the routine of school. We were able to maintain a strong focus not only on the core subjects, but on our wider curriculum. The development of our outdoor learning programme was far swifter than we had expected due to the restrictions our pupils faced, but this has also had such a positive impact that we now aim to continue and develop this.

Externally provided programmes

Please include the names of any non-DfE programmes that you purchased in the previous academic year. This will help the Department for Education identify which ones are popular in England



White Rose Maths

Little Wandle Phonics Programme

TT Rockstars


Purple Mash

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Office

Sing up

Service pupil premium funding (optional)

For schools that receive this funding, you may wish to provide the following information:



How did you spend your service pupil premium allocation last academic year?

 We have had three children who are service PP pupils start with us this year. These will be part of the next PP review

What was the impact of that spending on service pupil premium eligible pupils?




Further information (optional)

The programmes detailed above are also costed into our wider budget, as our PP funding does not completely cover the full costs of all aspects of this plan. We believe that the provision of additional staff in particular enables us to offer the best opportunity for our vulnerable pupils to achieve their very best.