Eco Garden
We have big plans for our eco garden, keep checking this page to follow our journey…
Lots of time, effort and planning has gone into our eco garden and now that summer’s here we’re getting ready to get started.
As shown in the plan, our eco garden will be built on our field and will be fenced off using recycled pallets. We aim to develop a small ecosystem within the garden along with a pond. Our pond will be home to all kinds of aquatic life, and will contain oxygenating plants to keep the water clean.
In addition to bringing in aquatic life, we also want to introduce birds to our garden. Kindly built by one of our lovely parents, we have a fantastic bird feeder to go along with our bird hide. Our bird hide will also feature a corrugated roof with a drainpipe linked to a water butt, this natural water collection will then be used to water the plants.
Habitats will also be dotted around the garden, providing homes for the smallest of insects, to some of our larger friends, such as hedgehogs. The wildflower meadow planted around the edge of the garden will also act as a micro-habitat as well as bringing some colour to the garden.
Working alongside, One Planet Matters, we have built some raised beds using recycled materials from local companies: perfect for planting fruit and vegetables. Any produce we yield from these beds will be donated to local food banks. Down the line, we also hope to start growing herbs inside of the pallet fences. We are also really grateful for a donation of £250 towards this project from the NEDDC Eco Schools Grant, which the children from our Eco Council applied for last year.
All materials used for the eco garden will be recycled, sustainable materials from local companies. We have already begun collecting pallets for our fencing, and building planters from recycled materials. Not only will our garden benefit the environment and the local community, but it will also help enrich the children’s experiences and education.