Useful Links

Gorseybrigg Primary School and Nursery


Nursery places

Applications for a nursery place should be made directly to the school. An application for admission to our nursery can be obtained from our reception or you can download a copy here.

Key Stages 1 and 2

Applications for your child to attend Gorseybrigg should be made through Derbyshire County Council (please follow the link for further information).

If your child was born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021 they will be eligible to start school in September 2025. The admissions process is now open and will close on 15th January 2025. Parents will be informed on their place on 16th April 2025 by DCC.  Please see the Derbyshire County Council website for more information.

For September 2025 reception admissions we will be holding an open evening on Wednesday 23rd October 2024 from 5-7pm, no booking required. We will also be holding an open morning during November date to be confirmed.  


For applications to move to the school 'in-year' (for example if you are moving to the area) please use this link.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to email us at

Admissions and Attendance Registers

Admissions Policy


School admission arrangements

Admission and selection criteria is controlled by Derbyshire County Council.

Derbyshire County Council admissions appeal guidance

Secondary Admissions

If your child is in Year 6 you should apply for their secondary school place between 11th September 2024 and 31st October 2024.  Please see the Derbyshire County Council Secondary Admissions page for more information.